Take better pictures with ANY camera

Apr 16, 2014

Professional photography is a great way to capture special times in the life of your family. They are moments that you proudly display on your walls and share with friends and family. But what about the moments that happen between photo sessions? It isn’t practical to hire a professional photographer to follow you around 24/7, and it isn’t necessary. With a little knowledge and creativity, you can document your everyday life with any camera.

I remember the day that I got my first DSLR camera. It was a Christmas gift from my husband and I couldn’t wait to try it out. I was convinced that having that big, shiny, new camera would result in the type of beautiful images that I had spent hours admiring online. Well, to say that I was disappointed in my results would be an understatement. After that I started learning everything I could about taking great photos. The first lesson I learned was that it isn’t the camera that makes the photo great, it’s what the photographer does with the it. Great photos can come from any camera….even your iphone, and I am going to help you figure out how to get the most of your images.

 Look for the  LIGHT (check out this post for more information on the importance of lighting)

Lighting can make or break a photo.  Even if you catch that cute smile or silly face, bad lighting can make the photo look dark or dull. On the other hand, a photo with great light can elevate your shot into something really special.
When you’re inside taking photos, encourage your kids to play near the windows or patio doors. Try to catch them at an angle where they are facing the light rather than having the light behind them.
Watch how certain rooms in your home get different light at different times of day and use the light to add mood to your photos. A soft sunset glow coming in the living room window as your kiddos snuggle in their pajamas will have a different feel than the bright morning sun shining in on your breakfast table.
If the weather is nice head outside to play on your porch or patio. When shooting outside, look for areas that are shaded and avoid direct sun and harsh shadows when possible.

2. Try a new ANGLE

Get creative! Lay on the ground, climb on a chair, move around and get a different view. When your child is on the swings, get a shot from below and they swing towards you. Get on the same level as your infant as she lays on her belly looking at you. Let your kids jump back and forth over you as you lay on the floor. Think outside the box and try new things. Your kids will think it is a blast too!


3. Try a different PERSPECTIVE

Most of the time we are taking photos from our own point of view. We capture how we see our world. Try changing it up and capturing the world from the perspective of your children. Stand behind them as they finer paint, climb inside their playhouse, get on their level and watch the world from their point of view. If you are brave enough, let them take photos of what they want to remember about their lives. You will be amazed at the things a child sees.

4. Get CLOSE
Don’t be afraid to get close. Capture all the little parts and details of your life.  Try to capture that perfect bathtub mohawk, the birthmarks, belly buttons and squishy lips. Zoom in on the finger nails she painted herself, the book she reads every night, the favorite bedtime stuffed animal or bumps and bruises from playing too rough. Little things make all the difference!  Not every photo needs to be one you frame.  Some photos go next to others in an album to round out the story and provide depth.

5. Don’t forget the DETAILS

Gone are the days when we only had 24 pictures on a roll of film so each snap of the shutter was precious. With digital images you have the freedom to take as many pictures as you want to tell your story. Photograph the things that make your life uniquely yours. Capture the look on your child’s face as she tries a new food, or how she runs to the door to hug her daddy when he comes home. Don’t wait for the big moments, take a picture everyday of something special about your family. (I am still working on this myself which is why I don’t have any images to share yet for this tip)

6. Capture YOUR everyday life
These days there are so many social media outlets that let you share photos that it can become overwhelming and stressful. Don’t get caught up in taking photos for other people to see that you loose sight of why you are taking them in the first place. You are capturing and documenting YOUR life for YOU! These are your memories and your moments. Don’t worry about getting a “perfect” shot to show off. Don’t stress over how messy your house is or how crazy your little one’s hair looks. Life is messy and imperfect. Those are the things you are going to want to remember. If it is a little out of focus or the light isn’t perfect but it is the one time you could get a picture of your little one making a silly face or hugging her little brother, then take it! You will never regret taking the shot!



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